American lawyer and China media expert, Jesse Weiner gives legal advice on how to protect your IP in China, what you need to attract a Chinese financier, and hope for a reset of US-China relations.
Jesse Weiner Co-Managing Partner, Head of Entertainment & Media Practice at YK Law talks about legal advice regarding the danger of slapdash deals, the power (or lack of) US copyright in China, how to copyright your IP in China, and what you need to attract a Chinese financier.
China Legal Advice re Slapdash agreements
Beware deals signed on the back of a napkin. Talk to a lawyer. Slapdash agreements can and usually do backfire. And be aware of the deal agreement’s jurisdiction. Moreover, if you plan on doing a project in China, it’s best to use a Chinese contract that is subject to Chinese law.
China Legal Advice re copyright

Copyright your script in China. You can register online, but you need a Chinese phone number. You can buy a temporary Chinese number on Skye for a few dollars. The China copyright website is www.ccopyright.com. The organization is called the Copyright Protection Center of China (CPCC). 中国版权保护中心 Zhōngguó bǎnquán bǎohù zhōngxīn.
Remember it’s not automatic that a foreigner must hand over their copyright in order for the Chinese film producer to obtain the film license. You can give your Chinese producer an authorization letter to use your copyright to register your script with the film bureau. It all depends on the deal you make.
Legal advice re Chinese Copyright
US copyright might not be enough. China recognizes the jurisdiction of the USPTO (the United States Patent and Trademark Office). Nonetheless, in a Chinese court – you will need a lot of foreign documents that must be notarized with your state consulate, authorized by the Chinese consulate, and much more. It’s cheaper just to get the Chinese copyright.
Chinese Producers and Legal Advice
Consequently, How do you stack the deck to attract a Chinese producer? Jesse mentioned that Chinese studios prefer finished films (which means the risk is all on you). However, if you haven’t shot your film, you should have a). A completed script, b) a pitch deck c) a finance plan, and d) make sure your project can be exhibited in China (see my link to a blog 4 Ways to Beat the Chinese Censors below).
Advice on US-China Relations
Indeed, Jesse says it’s less likely the Biden administration will have the previous knee-jerk reaction to China. Consequently, there may be a more nuanced and realistic approach to China. This may lead to a thawing of the relations which means greater business for everyone.
Relationship Advice
Furthermore, learn some Chinese. As a result, no one expects a Westerner to quickly master Mandarin. Even learning a few words or sentences will be greatly appreciated by your Chinese counterparts.
The Asia-Hollywood Greenlight Podcast – Episode 30
Jesse Weiner Co-Managing Partner, Head of Entertainment & Media Practice
Show Notes
Host: Caryn McCann
Sister website: ChristmasMovieScreenwriter
Facebook: Asia Hollywood Greenlight
Facebook: Christmas Movie Screenwriter
LinkedIn: Caryn McCann
Twitter: Asia Hollywood Greenlight
The blog mentioned: 4 Ways to Beat the Chinese Censors
Guest: Jesse Weiner Co-Managing Partner, Head of Entertainment & Media Practice
Company: YK Law
The case mentioned during the interview: Taiwan novelist wins plagiarism case against mainland scriptwriter
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