Co-Pro Targets Part 2: The Chinese Majors

Co-Pro Targets Part 2: The Chinese Majors

In Part 2 of co-production partners who should be on your radar – today’s blog is about the Chinese majors.

Below is a list of the top state-owned Chinese studios. I included the following information: activities, a representative film, website, Cinando (or IMDB) link and phone number.

THE SERIESblog series

Here is a recap of the series. Part 1 was published last week.

Part 1. The U.S. Majors:

Part 2. Major Chinese companies

Part 3. U.S. Independents

Part 4. Independent Chinese companies

Part 5. Chinese Who Think Outside The Box

Part 6. Chinese Companies in Los Angeles


The biggest state-owned film studios are China Film Group and Huaxia Film Distribution.

China Film Group

One of China’s most productive studios. In 2013 it was involved in the production/distribution of 25 films.

Chinese name: 中国电影集团公司

Activities: Production, Distribution, Exhibition

Representative Film: Wolf Totem, Red Cliff


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel: +86 10 6225 0446


Huaxia Film Distributiontarget Chinese major

Huaxia is the second largest film distributor in China.

Chinese name:  华夏电影发行有限责任公司

Activities: Production, Distribution, Sales, Publicity, Marketing

Representative Film: God of War


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel: 86 10 8225 7979

August First Film Studio

Originally called the PLA film studio it started out in 1952 making military films. Since that time it has produced over 2,400 films.

Chinese name: 八一电影制片厂

Activities: Production

Representative Film: Tunnel Warfare


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel:  +86 10 6682 4721


Changying Grouptarget

(formerly Changchun Film Group)

Located in Northeastern Jilin province it has one of the largest production bases in China. It became a shareholder of Huaxia Film Distribution breaking China Film Group’s monopoly on imported films.

Chinese name: 长春电影集团公司

Activities: Production

Representative Film: The Assassins


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel: +86 0431 8595 2747


Emei Film Group

In 2016 Pacific Rim Media signed a deal with Henan Film and Emei Film Group to develop a travel adventure series about the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Clubs in China. They will also co-produce multiple films per year.

Chinese name: 峨眉电影集团

Activities: Production, Distribution, Cinema Chain Management, and TV Broadcasting

Representative Film: Let the Bullets Fly


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel: +86 10 28 8733 3890


Shanghai Film Grouptarget Chinese majors

SFG owns five production houses, several filming bases, 14 producing firms as well as a cinema line – Shanghai United Circuit.

Chinese name: 上海電影集團公司

Activities: Production, Distribution, Exhibition

Representative Film: Ash is the Purest White


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel +86 21 5308-0303


Tianjin Northern Film Group

James Cameron (Avatar, Titanic, etc) has a JV with them for 3D film and TV.

Chinese name: 天津北方电影集团

Activities: Production, Distribution

Representative Film: Infernal Affairs 3


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: +86 022 2385-8050


Western Movie Grouptarget majors

Likewise known as Xi’an Film Studio – is an active co-production of films and TV. Previously it signed an agreement with Singapore’s One Take Productions to produce the first Singaporean film to be shot in high definition.

Chinese Name: 西部电影集团

Activities: Production, Distribution,

Representative Film: 14 Blades


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: +86 029-8551-4752


Xiaoxiang Film Group

(formerly Hunan Film Studio)

Producers of film and television, the studio is playing a more active role in domestic and foreign co-production, sometimes partnering with nearby Hunan Broadcast Group.

Chinese name: 潇湘电影集团有限公司

Activities: Production, Distribution, and Marketing, Cinema management, movie merchandise development/production

Representative Film: Home Sweet Home


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: +86 0731-8554-1247


Yunnan Film GroupChinese majors

Looking for co-production opportunities. It funded “The 33” the movie about the Chilean mining disaster.

Chinese name:云南电影集团

Activities: Production, Distribution,

Representative Film: American Dreams in China


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel +86 10 85758830


Zhujiang Film Group

In 2017 it was involved in the first 4K movie (a movie about Cantonese opera – “Madame White Snake”). The studio plans to partner with China’s Aerospace Construction Group to introduce more leading 4K filmmaking technology.

Chinese name: 珠江电影集团

Activities: Production, Cinema Operator

Representative Film: As the Light Goes Out


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel +86 20 8365 3773


Chinese majorsChina Media Capital

(state-backed VC company)

Chinese name: 华人文化产业投资基金

Activities: Investment

Representative Film: The Adventurers


Cinando or IMDB:

Telephone: Tel +86  010-65165600

If you’d like to join a group of China co-pro fans – join my Facebook group at

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