30 Dec Co-Pro Targets Part 6: Chinese Companies in L.A.
If you’re looking to make a connection with Chinese companies in L.A. – here’s a short list of Chinese film and TV companies you should target.
This is number six in our Co-Pro Targets series. Today’s post is about Chinese companies in L.A. You can check out the other blogs here:
US Major Studios https://wp.me/p8U8pg-rT Part 1
he Chinese Majors: https://wp.me/p8U8pg-sF Part 2
The U.S. Independents https://wp.me/p8U8pg-tq Part 3
Chinese Independents https://wp.me/p8U8pg-uM Part 4
Chinese who think outside the box https://wp.me/p8U8pg-xK Part 5
Here is a list of some of the top Chinese co-pro targets that have offices in Los Angeles. One obvious advantage of contacting them here is there is no language barrier. They are staffed with both Chinese and American staff.
Alibaba Pictures

Chinese Name 阿里巴巴电影集团 Ālǐ bābā diànyǐng jítuán
Business Activities: Production, Distribution, and Marketing
Representative Film: Shock Wave 2, 1917, A Dogs Journey
Website: http://alibabapictures.com/simp/0-home.html
Telephone: (626) 365-5227 (Pasadena)
Key Point: Per the Variety article Alibaba Pictures to Focus on Original Content Production, Unveils Surprise Works Unit. Thus, you’ll see Alibaba is going from being a participator of content to putting out its own content.
Bona Film Group: Chinese companies in L.A.

Chinese name: 博纳影业集团 Bó nà yǐng yè jítuán
Business Activities: Production, Distribution, Talent Agency
Representative Film: Ad Astra, Enter The Fat Dragon
Website: www.bonafilm.cn/
Cinando or IMDB:
Telephone: +86-10-5631-0700 (China)
L.A. office: Los Angeles
Key Point: Notably, Bona managed to keep reserves of capital outside China, which allowed it to keep investing. To clarify, see the Variety article: China’s Bona Film Group Strengthens Hollywood Connection
China Film Group

Chinese name: 中国电影集团公司 Zhōngguó diànyǐng jítuán gōngsī
Business Activities: Production, Distribution, Exhibition
Representative Film: The 355, The Sacrifice
Website: www.chinafilm.com
Cinando or IMDB:
Telephone: +86-(0) 10-6225-4488 (China)
L.A. Office: Burbank
Key Point: The article New Hollywood from the Empire of the Middle points out who China’s biggest player is. Uniquely, the article stated that “China Film Group is the largest and also the most influential state film producer in the People’s Republic of China.”
China Lion: Chinese companies in L.A.

Chinese Name 华狮电影 Huá shī diànyǐng
Business Activities: Production, Distribution
Representative Film: Aftershock, Breakup Buddies
Website: https://www.chinalionfilm.com/
Cinando or IMDB:
Telephone: +1 323-396-9168
City: Los Angeles
Key Point: According to an L.A. Times article Reel China: Targets an elusive film fan — the Chinese American the company curbs “the chance of losing potential (theater) patrons to pirated DVDs. Furthermore, they aim to release its annual slate of as many as 15 movies in North America the same day they premiere in China.”
China Movie Media Group: Chinese companies in L.A.

Chinese name: 影时尚影业集团Yǐng shíshàng yǐng yè jítuán
Business Activities: Pre-show advertising, investment & product placement
Representative Film: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Website: http://www.movie-media.com.cn
Cinando or IMDB:
Telephone: +86 10 6202 0853 (China)
L.A. Office: Beverly Hills
Key Point: CMMG not only produces films but also handles investment, promotion as well as Chinese domestic distribution and marketing

Huace Pictures
Chinese Name 华策集团 Huá cè jítuán
Business Activities: Production
Representative Film: Kung Fu Yoga, Long Day’s Journey Into Night
Website: http://www.huacemedia.com/
Cinando or IMDB:
Telephone: 626.808.6864
L.A. Office: Los Angeles
Key Point: Americans are waking up to how Korean films are a big deal. Parasite won Best Picture (among other awards) last year. Likewise, Huace already has a JV with South Korea’s Next Entertainment World (NEW). You can read about it here: China’s Huace, South Korea’s NEW Launch Production Joint Venture

iQiyi Motion Pictures: Chinese companies in L.A.
Chinese Name: 爱奇艺世 Ài qí yì
Business Activities: Production, Distribution, Internet
Representative Film/TV: Burning Ice (TV series), Old Boy (TV series)
Website: https://www.iqiyi.com/
Cinando or IMDB https://bit.ly/37TsqG6
Telephone: +86 021 6137 5271 (China)
Key Point: iQiyi formed a unique alliance with Elemeet – a crowdfunding platform to arrange art movie screenings. iQiyi plans to co-launch a new distribution model with online-offline promotion and distribution support. With this in mind, you can read about it here: iQIYI Releases ‘Tough Out’ Under a New Distribution Model with Elemeet

Chinese Name 亚太未来影视有限Yàtài wèilái yǐngshì yǒuxiàn
Business Activities: Production, Distribution
Representative Film: Skyfire, A Prayer Before Dawn
Website: meridianent.com.cn
Telephone: 86 10 65125816 (China)
L.A. Office San Marino
Key Point: Can access great scripts. They partnered with the script hosting platform – The Black List. You can read about it in the Variety article here: The Black List Moves Into Movie Production With Meridian Entertainment
Starlight Culture Entertainment:
Chinese Name 星光文化娛樂 Xīngguāng wénhuà yúlè

Business Activities: Production, Distribution, Investor
Representative Film: Marshall, Crazy Rich Asians
Website: http://www.starlightcul.com.hk/en
Cinando or IMDB:
Telephone: 424-288-4630
L.A. Office: Beverly Hills
Key Point: Starlight is big on diversity as reported in The Hollywood Reporter article: Starlight Media and Lion Forge Animation Heads Break Down Their Global-Content-Minded Partnership Moreover, they are big on “Globalized Collaboration”.
Wavelets Entertainment:

Business Activities: Production
Representative Film: Crate (Pre-production)
Website: https://waveletsentertainment.com
Cinando or IMDB: https://imdb.to/37ZFCZY
Telephone: 310.940.9590
L.A. Office: Pasadena
Key Point: Wavelets is backed by China’s Youku Tudou (part of Alibaba Group) and Media Asia Group. Additionally, they are keen to source American writers and scripts that are relevant to Chinese audiences.
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